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Voting & Elections 04.11.2020


“Police violence has historically been used as tool for voter intimidation in America, especially in communities of color,” said Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections at Common Cause. “This is why many states have laws stating police cannot be at polls,” Albert added. “Encouraging law enforcement to monitor polls is another old tactic that partisan operatives are trying to use to stop Americans from exercising their constitutional right to vote.”

Voting & Elections 04.10.2020

Sinclair Broadcast Group: Time running out for states to decide how to handle voting this fall, experts say

“This is a state-by-state decision and we know there is not a one size fits all solution for every state,” said Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections for Common Cause. “With that said, we are encouraging states to act now to ensure that the November election is accessible, fair, and secure for all voters. That includes expanding existing vote by mail systems, but also other options such as early voting.” ... “Since vote by mail is a paper-based system, it cannot be hacked and is a great system for post-election audits to ensure the outcome of the election is correct,” Albert said. 

Voting & Elections 04.10.2020

The Guardian: Wisconsin: the state where American democracy went to die

“I don’t think many people who are aware of what’s going on, and are tuned into politics and government in this state, would say that it’s anything even resembling a democracy,” said Jay Heck, the executive director of the Wisconsin chapter of Common Cause, a government watchdog group. ... “They view this as an opportunity to be able to extend one-party rule in this state for another 10 years,” Heck said. “If they can do that, they can do it in a great many other states as well.”

Voting & Elections 04.8.2020

Reuters: Chaotic Wisconsin election signals virus-related voting battles ahead

If state legislatures do not expand mail-in voting soon, legal challenges like the ones that resulted in Wisconsin’s chaotic primary will be waged right up until the presidential election, said Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections for Common Cause, a nonpartisan watchdog group. “What you saw in Wisconsin would be happening in November,” Albert said.

Voting & Elections 04.8.2020

WIRED: Vote by Mail Isn't Perfect. But It's Essential in a Pandemic

"Right now we're focusing on making sure that no voter is disenfranchised during this health crisis," Karen Hobert Flynn, president of the nonpartisan pro-democracy group Common Cause, said on a call with reporters.

Voting & Elections 04.7.2020

USA Today / Gannett: 'Warning sign:' Wisconsin's messy primary shows struggles states could face in November election

Jay Heck, the Wisconsin director of Common Cause, a voting-rights advocacy group, said voters face a difficult choice between wanting to vote and protecting their health. “Wisconsin’s absentee ballot rules are no doubt disenfranchising voters,” Heck said. Heck said the governor and Legislature have seven months to correct the problem to “avoid this kind of chaos” for the November general election.

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