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Voting & Elections 01.14.2020

The Guardian: Victory for Democrats as Wisconsin appeals court puts hold on voter purge

Even though the purge is on hold, the controversy over the last few months may have intimidated people, particularly those who move a lot, and could deter them from voting this year, said Jay Heck, the executive director of the Wisconsin chapter of Common Cause. “If they just hear on the grapevine or through second and thirdhand knowledge that they’re probably not registered to vote any more, because some folks have said they shouldn’t be, then it’s going to have the effect that conservatives want, which is to depress voter turnout amongst that population,” he said.

Voting & Elections 01.14.2020

Associated Press: Court: NY must release inactive voter list to poll workers

Still, Common Cause New York Executive Director Susan Lerner said the judge’s decision “shines a light” on the process that New York uses to label some voters as inactive. She said she hopes lawmakers will look at such issues this year.For now, she said the judge’s decision means that poll workers at 2020 elections will have easy access to a list of inactive voters.“For the poll workers, this is so much easier,” she said. “Right now what happens when someone isn’t on the active list, poll workers often don’t know what to do. They get confused, they send people to different places and they send people away. This simplifies it.”

Washington Post: Ethics reform in Washington region: More is still needed after all these years.

Joanne Antoine, executive director of Common Cause Maryland said Hogan “is in compliance with the law” and “is always disclosing these business dealings.” But, she added, “The concerns that the [Democratic] Party and public may have about whether he’s benefiting from these transportation policies are valid.”

Voting & Elections 01.12.2020

Times Union (Op-Ed): New voting machines would be a step backward

Hacked machines. Undercounted elections. Broken touchscreens. Impatient voters. Sound like a nightmare? It could be a reality for millions of New York voters as early as April. For years, the voting machine company ES&S has spent more than $600,000 lobbying New York officials to purchase certain machines, including ExpressVote XL, and soon they might get the green light. The machine provides a touchscreen allowing voters to mark their ballot electronically instead of on the traditional paper ballots. It then tabulates votes.

Media & Democracy 01.12.2020

Seattle Times (Op-Ed): 2020: The Year America Gets Its Act Together

Voting is, of course, the first step in democracy reform. But getting meaningful positive change requires so much more. Citizen involvement, working together, demanding to be informed, organizing on the issues, getting commitments from candidates, and then holding them accountable, is more demanding. Yet it is the price of democracy.Will we pay that price? We are paying dearly now for things that disserve our country, so maybe nourishing the roots of self-government isn’t such a heavy price to pay after all. This is the year of decision. We have the opportunity now in 2020 to put America on course to what it can and should be. Let’s seize the opportunity — while we still have it.

Money & Influence 01.7.2020

Associated Press: Shadow group provides Sanders super PAC support he scorns

“Any entity established by a federal officeholder can only raise and spend money under federal contribution limits for any activities in connection with a federal election,” said Paul S. Ryan, a campaign finance expert and attorney with the good-government group Common Cause. “Our Revolution was undoubtedly established by Sen. Sanders, is subject to these laws — and is seemingly in violation of them.”

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