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USA Today (Op-Ed): Common Cause: After Robert Mueller, time for an impeachment investigation of Donald Trump

Americans deserve to know the full truth about the Trump administration’s efforts to obstruct the Mueller investigation into Russia’s campaign to help elect Donald Trump to the presidency. They deserve to know the full truth about the impact of the president’s denial of the past and ongoing Russian threat to the integrity of our elections. And they deserve to know whether the president and members of his inner circle committed felony campaign finance violations.It has become alarmingly apparent though, that without a significant course change, the American people will not be given the full truth. It is time for a congressional impeachment investigation because Americans deserve the truth.

Associated Press: Senate candidate Kelly says he’d release schedule details

Aaron Scherb, director of legislative affairs for the good government group Common Cause, said lawmakers who provide the information helps promote transparency. "It's critically important for the public to have faith and confidence that their elected officials are doing the people's business, not the bidding of special interests," Scherb said.

Money & Influence 07.19.2019

Slate (Op-Ed): The DOJ Should Release All the Evidence in the Trump Campaign Payoff Case

This now-public evidence of Trump’s campaign finance crimes is likely only the tip of the iceberg. These facts were known by the DOJ before it obtained and executed search warrants on Cohen and sent him to prison via guilty plea to multiple campaign finance law violations and other crimes. Since that time, the DOJ accumulated evidence not only from the Cohen raid and Cohen’s testimony, but also from cooperating witnesses David Pecker and Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg, both of whom have received some type of immunity from the DOJ in this matter.

Money & Influence 07.17.2019

CNBC: Jared Kushner has been meeting with Trump campaign officials to discuss 2020 fundraising and spending strategy

Paul Seamus Ryan, a litigator at ethics watchdog Common Cause, told CNBC that unless Kushner has been soliciting donations, he's probably not violating the Hatch Act. "Legally I think the question is whether he's soliciting contributions or if he's not. If the answer is no, he's probably not violating the Hatch Act," Ryan said. "If he's only giving strategic advice, that's different from soliciting the money."

Associated Press: NC trial looks at partisan bias after US justices won’t

“State courts do not need to sit idly by while people’s constitutional rights are being violated just because the U.S. Supreme Court refused to act,” Common Cause attorney Stanton Jones told a three-judge panel in Raleigh. His clients want new maps drawn for the 2020 elections.

Associated Press: Harris blasts, and takes money from, Epstein’s law firm

“If any connection with Kirkland and Ellis is a stain on (senior Justice Department officials), why isn’t a connection with the law firm for the receipt of campaign contributions a stain on her own campaign?” said Paul S. Ryan, an attorney for the good government group Common Cause.

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