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Money & Influence 05.7.2019

New York Daily News: Jerry Nadler pockets campaign cash from big music companies with business before his Judiciary Committee

“In a perfect world, members of Congress who serve on committees that oversee or regulate specific industries wouldn’t be able to fundraise or accept campaign contributions from those industries,” said Aaron Scherb, the director of legislative affairs at Common Cause.Scherb added that participating in the imperfect system doesn’t mean that Nadler or other lawmakers are being bought off, but there’s a “perceived conflict of interest that’s created.”“For many Americans, our corrosive fund-raising system calls into question whether members of Congress are acting in the public interest, or for some private financial interest,” Scherb said.

Washington Post: This family created a gerrymandering board game. Arnold Schwarzenegger was pumped.

Ryder was playing against Sam Voorhees, who works on gerrymandering issues at Common Cause (one of the cases’ plaintiffs). “It shows you the strategies politicians use,” Voorhees said of the game. “Packing and cracking districts, trying to get all my opponents’ voters into a single place.”

New York Times: In Tiger Woods, Trump Finds a Hero and a Business Opportunity

“Tiger Woods is obviously a very talented golfer,” said Aaron Scherb, the director of legislative affairs for Common Cause, a watchdog group. But Mr. Trump awarding him the Medal of Freedom “shows he’s willing to use any tool of government to benefit his business and political allies.”

Salon: Lock him up? Bill Barr probably didn't perjure himself — but he's in big trouble anyway

"Barr has displayed great skill in evading questions, in giving incomplete answers to questions, in spinning the contents of the Mueller report through his press conference, through a summary, etc.," said Paul Ryan, vice president of policy and litigation at Common Cause. "But he seems like he's also been very skilled in avoiding perjuring himself."

New York Times: Baltimore’s Mayor, Catherine Pugh, Resigns Amid Children’s Book Scandal

Joanne Antoine, executive director of Common Cause Maryland, a nonpartisan watchdog organization, said her group has received several calls from people expressing a loss of faith in Ms. Pugh. But Ms. Antoine said she is heartened by recent proposals brought by Baltimore City Council members to tighten ethics disclosure rules and make it easier to remove the mayor.“I think we’re on the verge of recovering from all of this,” she said. “We believe the City Council is taking steps to move forward.”

Newsweek: Donald Trump Jr. ‘Continues to be in serious trouble ,’ Ex-Watergate Lawyer Says After Updated FEC Complaint

“The Special Counsel concluded that the promised ‘documents and information that would incriminate Hillary’ constituted a ‘thing of value,’” the complaint supplement from Common Cause, Campaign Legal Center, and Democracy 21 states. “And that Trump Jr.—and potentially Manafort and Kushner—solicited such a contribution from a person known to be a foreign national.”The supplement concludes: “In other words, the Special Counsel concluded that, at a minimum, Trump Jr. violated the ban on soliciting contributions from foreign nationals.”

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