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Associated Press: GOP redistricting edge moderated Democrats’ 2018 gains

“Gerrymandering as a whole cheats voters out of our representation,” said Love Caesar, a student at North Carolina A&T State University who works with Common Cause, an advocacy group that is a lead plaintiff in the case. ... “It’s hard to explain to students who are already skeptical about the voting process ... that the state intentionally diluted their power in voting by putting this line back here in between our campus,” said North Carolina A&T student Kylah Guion, who also works with Common Cause.

Money & Influence 03.20.2019


Aaron Scherb, the legislative director of watchdog organization Common Cause, noted that conservative religious organizations have previously donated large amounts to groups that further their political interests. "The Religious Right and certain conservative religious groups have significant resources at their disposable. As we detailed in a 2015 report, they often flex their political muscle to further enhance their ability to spend big money in politics to drown out the voices of dissenting views," he told Newsweek.

Money & Influence 03.20.2019

Associated Press: Political spending by Abrams’ nonprofit could pose problems

“If she were to maintain the same relationship with this nonprofit and become a candidate, then legal risks do arise,” said Paul S. Ryan, an attorney for the liberal-leaning government watchdog group Common Cause.

Voting & Elections 02.10.2019

C-SPAN Washington Journal: Allegra Chapman & Hans von Spakovsky discuss the House Democratic Election Reform Bill

Allegra Chapman of Common Cause and Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation discuss the House Democratic Election Reform Bill with host Steve Scully on C-SPAN's Washington Journal.

Money & Influence 02.8.2019

Mashable: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez masterfully exposed America's broken campaign finance system

“To take a kind of esoteric issue, and executive branch ethics and campaign finance reform, and to bring that to life for people, and then it becomes this viral moment was really incredible,” says Karen Hobert Flynn, president of the grassroots organization Common Cause, and one of the expert witnesses at the H.R. 1 hearing.

HuffPost: House Democrats Say Their Reform Bill Would Solve The Trump Administration’s Ethics Nightmare

“While every presidential administration in our history has had its ethical challenges, we’ve never seen so many corruption scandals and appalling lack of concern for the ethics rules that should govern our executive branch than with this administration,” said Karen Hobert Flynn, the president of the nonpartisan reform group Common Cause.

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