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Voting & Elections 12.13.2018

New York Times: In North Carolina, Voting Controversies Are Common. Here’s the Recent History.

“As a state, we were a leader in voting rights, arguably, for the decade before the 2010 shift in power,” said Bob Phillips, the executive director of Common Cause in North Carolina, a nonpartisan government watchdog group.

Money & Influence 12.13.2018

The Hill: Top Lobbyists 2018

The nation’s capital is teeming with lobbyists and influencers, but when the stakes are at their highest, these are the players at the top of their game, known for their ability to successfully navigate the byzantine and competitive world of federal policymaking. ... Karen Hobert Flynn and Aaron Scherb, Common Cause

Money & Influence 12.11.2018

CNN: Trump Says Cohen's Guilty Plea is Like the Obama Campaign's Civil Fine. There's No Comparison, Experts Say.

"It's really an apples and oranges comparison," added Paul Ryan, the top lawyer at Common Cause, a watchdog group. Common Causes' January complaint with the Federal Election Commission prompted Cohen to publicly admit making a hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels. "We are not talking about minor, technical violations," Ryan said of the allegations against Cohen. "The Obama civil penalty was consistent with the types of fines that most big campaigns end up paying after an election for reporting errors," he added.

CNN: Supreme Court Discussing Partisan Gerrymandering Behind Closed Doors Friday

"When politicians feel brazen enough to not just admit but to openly declare that they are drawing political lines to rig the elections and punish certain voters, we need the Supreme Court to step in and say enough is enough," said Kathay Feng, a lawyer representing the challenges from Common Cause.

Washington Post: What the Senate must ask William Barr

Common Cause asserted in a statement, “Barr must commit to safeguarding the investigation as the president has not been shy about pressuring members of his administration to curb the probe by the Special Counsel into Russia’s attack on the 2016 election."

Media & Democracy 12.5.2018

NBC News: Media Mega-Mergers Under Threat with Democrats Controlling the House

“I think the background definitely changes with a flip of the House. There is going to be more oversight, probably some attempts to draw up legislation,” said former FCC commissioner Michael Copps, now an adviser to watchdog group Common Cause.

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