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Voting & Elections 10.19.2018

American Public Media Reports (AUDIO): They Didn't Vote ... Now They Can't

"The population in the state has increased and grown above the national average," Atlanta-based attorney, and Common Cause Board Member, Emmet Bondurant recalled thinking. "And yet the number of registered voters [was] going down."

The Hill (VIDEO): Trump's DC hotel is 'ground zero for the swamp,' says government watchdog

"Look at the Trump Hotel right here in Washington, D.C., smack dab in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House — one block away, by the way, from the FBI's headquarters," Stephen Spaulding told Hill.TV co-hosts Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on "Rising. That Trump Hotel has, I think, really become ground zero for the swamp. You have Republican fundraisers taking place there, foreign governments holding their fundraisers there. That is a clear, physical conflict of interest.

Voting & Elections 10.17.2018

McClatchy: If you’re turned away at the polls, these are the 10 words you need to know

But most versions of the meme suggest insisting on a receipt as well. A receipt allows voters to follow up and check if their vote has been counted, said Allegra Chapman, senior counsel and director of voting and elections for Common Cause, according to Snopes.

Associated Press: Florida Supreme Court: Next governor will pick new justices

“The court has now made clear what our clients have been saying all along — the winner of November’s gubernatorial election will appoint three justices to the Florida Supreme Court,” said John Mills, attorney for the Florida branch of the League of Women Voters and Common Cause who filed the lawsuit. “Governor Scott will not, and he has no part to play in these appointments.”

Money & Influence 10.14.2018

The Intercept: Nearly Every Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Still Takes Corporate PAC Money

But while the voting records of Congressional Progressive Caucus members are better on democracy reform issues compared with those outside the caucus, that might be setting the bar too low. Aaron Scherb, the legislative affairs director for the watchdog group Common Cause, told The Intercept that 17 of the 28 members of Congress who earned perfect scores on his organization’s “Democracy Scorecard“ are in the Congressional Progressive Caucus. But there are 78 representatives in the caucus, meaning that nearly 4 in 5 caucus members actually failed to earn a perfect score.

Media & Democracy 10.13.2018

Chicago Sun-Times: Sprint Touts Its Cell Coverage in Ads But Tells FCC It Can’t Match Competitors

The discrepancy is “nothing new in the sense of filing one thing with the FCC and telling the customers something else,” says Yosef Getachew of the watchdog group Common Cause, which is among advocacy groups that are fighting to block the merger.

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