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McClatchy: Supreme Court decision halts Georgia voting rights lawsuit

Because Georgia's and Ohio's policies are so similar, the Supreme Court's decision in Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute "essentially disposes, unfavorably, of our NVRA claim," said Emmet Bondurant, lead attorney for Common Cause Georgia, which had challenged the state's voter roll maintenance efforts along with the Georgia NAACP. Bondurant withdrew the case in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia in Atlanta. The filing preserves the right of Common Cause and the NAACP to "challenge the validity of the Georgia purge statue on other grounds in a future case," Bondurant said in an email.

Voting & Elections 06.11.2018

Associated Press: Federal Judge Blocks Indiana Voter Registration Law

Pratt said in her ruling that Common Cause "has a high likelihood of success" on its claim that the law violates some of the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and "threatens disenfranchisement of eligible voters."

Media & Democracy 06.11.2018

The Hill: What the net neutrality repeal means

"Eliminating Net Neutrality is the most hostile action against consumers that the FCC has ever taken. And it’s a body blow to free speech and our very democracy," said Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner and special adviser for Common Cause’s Media and Democracy Reform Initiative.

Voting & Elections 06.8.2018

HuffPost: Indiana Law That Would Cancel Voter Registrations Is Blocked

“We are pleased by the Court’s decision ― it will protect the freedom to vote for thousands of Hoosiers who risked unlawful disenfranchisement from the deeply flawed Crosscheck Program,” Common Cause Chief of Strategy Stephen Spaulding said Friday. “Common Cause is committed to doing everything it can to ensure that every eligible voter can make their voice heard in our democracy.”

Money & Influence 06.1.2018

The Intercept: In Three California House Races, Wealthy Democrats Have Spent $16 Million of Their Own Money So Far

“It goes to show how out of balance the way we pay for campaigns is,” said Stephen Spaulding, chief of strategy and external affairs for the reform group Common Cause. “The system makes it easier for wealthy individuals to mount campaigns, and harder for ordinary people to do so.”... If a self-funder happens to get into Congress, they bring to Washington a worldview that aligns with the top 1 percent. “Congress does not at all reflect the community it represents,” said Stephen Spaulding of Common Cause. “We have to figure out ways to change the system.”

TIME Op-Ed: The President’s Pardon Might Be About More Than Dinesh D’Souza. Just Look at Trump’s Own Legal Trouble

The President’s pardon of Dinesh D’Souza looks like an effort to dismiss his own apparent violations as no big deal. But violating campaign finance laws is a big deal, and no one is above the law — not even the President.

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