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Axios: It's a Wild West for AI-generated political ads

"This is an issue that's going to continue to snowball," said Stephen Spaulding, VP of policy and external affairs at Common Cause. "There are tools the FEC could employ, but no question, there also has to be a comprehensive legislative response." Emma Steiner, disinformation analyst at Common Cause, told Axios that the group's biggest concern about generative AI is that platforms "are not willing to act on evolving disinformation narratives. So while [companies] can attempt to drop new policies ... I'm not sure they will make an actual serious attempt to counter the issue."

Raw Story: ‘Aren’t we a little more grown up than that?’: Ex-lawmaker rips Congress for ‘dog ate my homework’ excuses

To date, those consequences are “essentially a slap on the wrist,” Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs at nonprofit government watchdog Common Cause, told Raw Story earlier this month.


Charlotte Observer (Op-Ed): GOP elections bill: This isn't how we should run elections in NC

To distract voters from extremists pulling the strings on the North Carolina Senate's latest round of voting restrictions, proponents of Senate Bill 747 will tell you there is "there is nothing in this bill that is out of line with how elections are conducted in other states." Regardless, SB 747 is far from how we should run elections in this state. This sprawling, 16-page omnibus bill contains dozens of dramatic election law changes, showing just how determined Republicans are to obstruct all aspects of North Carolina's voting processes ahead of 2024.

Voting & Elections 06.15.2023

ProPublica: Wisconsin Republicans Sowed Distrust Over Elections. Now They May Push Out the State’s Top Election Official.

“What’s happened over the last six years, in particular since the Trump years, is there’s been a systematic attempt to undermine the work of the Wisconsin Elections Commission,” said Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. “Because it’s apparently not as responsive in a partisan way to the Republicans as they would like.”

Indiana Public Media: Lawsuit challenges local government for failure to redistrict before deadline

Julia Vaughn is the executive director of Common Cause Indiana — a lobbying organization focused on voting rights and election issues. She said the current map does not properly or equitably represent residents within its districts. “People in the overpopulated district have less voting strength in city elections than the people in the underpopulated districts,” Vaughn said. “So what our lawsuit seeks to do is simply ensure that all voters in Anderson have the same say in their local elections.” Vaughn said this upholds the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. She explained that making Anderson more equitable for voters would mean one person to one vote, and not bearing the weight of overpopulated or underpopulated districts. The deadline for redistricting under state law was Dec. 31, 2022. Vaughn said there is very little oversight of the redistricting process, which means it’s often up to outside organizations to hold the government accountable in redistricting situations. “So, unfortunately, outside of litigation, no, there’s very little oversight of this and it’s really easy for local governments to get away with just punting on this fundamental responsibility that they have to their voters,” Vaughn said.

Houston Chronicle: Dan Patrick’s $125,000 loan to Ken Paxton adds to conflicts in Senate impeachment trial

"The fact that the trial is taking place in the state Senate means there is going to be politics involved," said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a nonpartisan organization focused on government accountability. "Texans still should expect fairness and impartiality and you’re not going to get that if you have senators with conflicts serving as jurors." The financial connection to Patrick could be an especially significant red flag, given Patrick’s position in the process, said Gutierrez. “His role is so much bigger,” Gutierrez said. “Any appearance of a conflict is probably more serious because he’s the one presumably presiding over this trial." “You wouldn’t want the judge in a trial to be someone who has a financial relationship with the defendant, and that seems to be the case here,” Gutierrez said.

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