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Money & Influence 03.7.2023

Wall Street Journal: Supreme Court’s ‘Dark Money’ Rulings Anchor Defense in Ohio Political Corruption Trial

“This trial is not just about what the former speaker of the House did, it’s also about the terrible system we have,” said Catherine Turcer, executive director of Common Cause Ohio, which advocates for more transparency in government.

Media & Democracy 03.7.2023

Broadcasting & Cable: FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn Bows Out

“Senate treatment of this nomination has been, from beginning to end, sad, shoddy, and shameful, and its treatment of Ms. Sohn a despicable dereliction of duty and honor," said Mike Copps, special adviser to Common Cause and a former FCC chairman. "A win for big-spending special interests, to be sure, but a tragic loss for the common good."

Voting & Elections 03.6.2023

The Guardian: Georgia Republicans race to pass laws to restrict and challenge votes

“Consider the real risks of an unmanageable quantity of review requests, including those that are made in bad faith and the limits of time and resources for county officials,” said Anne Gray Herring of Common Cause Georgia.

Money & Influence 03.3.2023

CT Mirror: Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause leader and CT reformer, dies

“Karen made a lasting impact on Connecticut politics as one of the architects of our nationally renowned public financing system, which has been mirrored by states around the country as a model for clean and fair government that encourages participation by all of our residents,” Gov. Ned Lamont said.

Voting & Elections 03.1.2023

Salon: Election lawyers alarmed over Georgia GOP “suppression” bill voted on “in the middle of the night”

"You shouldn't be targeted because of your social economic status," said Aunna Dennis, the executive director of Common Cause Georgia. "You shouldn't be targeted because of the life situation that you're going through at that point in time. So this bill is just inequitable ... It's really only tried to give accessibility to balloting options to people who are privileged to not have hurdles or challenges when it comes to voting."

Indianapolis Star: 'Windfall profit': Lawmakers who build homes file bills to help their industry

"It's not technically unethical, but it doesn't technically break the rules that they write for themselves, but it still creates an appearance of impropriety," Julia Vaughn, executive director of Common Cause Indiana, said. "That's damaging to the institution when people think that lawmakers are just out to protect their financial interests."

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