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Schwarzenegger, Levin Join Common Cause in Brief Supporting Michigan Redistricting Ballot Initiative

On Tuesday, Common Cause joined with former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) and former U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) in filing a brief in the Michigan Supreme Court supporting Michigan’s ballot measure proposal to reform the state’s redistricting process.

Whether He Resigned or was Forced Out Scott Pruitt Needed to Go

Whether Scott Pruitt resigned or was forced out, he had repeatedly shown himself unworthy of the office and he had to go. Pruitt's tenure has been a long, unbroken string of ethical lapses, maladministration, and relentless attacks on the environment he was charged with protecting. A cascade of investigations into his abuse of taxpayer funds, hiding his schedule, sweetheart apartment lease deals, and first-class flights made a mockery of public service. This partial litany of his scandals -- unearthed by environmental groups, watchdogs, and journalists -- speak for themselves, but he is hardly alone among President Trump’s appointees.

Media & Democracy 06.28.2018

Common Cause joins Public Knowledge in Requesting FCC Delay Review of Sinclair-Tribune Merger Pending D.C. Circuit Case

Today, Common Cause joined Public Knowledge in filing a motion requesting the FCC hold the Sinclair-Tribune merger review in abeyance pending the D.C. Circuit’s review of the agency’s decision to reinstate the UHF Discount. The UHF discount is a provision that allows broadcasters operating UHF stations to only count half their coverage area when determining if they fall under the national ownership cap.

Money & Influence 06.28.2018

New Report Examines the Business of Mass Incarceration & the Damage it Does to Democracy

Today, Common Cause issued a new report examining how corrections industry influence, felony disenfranchisement and prison gerrymandering fuel mass incarceration and undermine democracy. Democracy Behind Bars looks at our broken criminal justice system and how it is manipulated for the benefit and profit of the prison industry. The report goes on to examine the work going on in the states to restore voting rights to citizens who have served their time and to curb mass criminalization and incarceration.

Roberts Court Deals Blow to Minority Voting Rights in Texas Racial Gerrymander Case

Except for one state legislative district, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Texas congressional and state legislative districts and overturned a lower court decision that the districts were racially discriminatory. The lower court in Abbott v. Perez had previously determined that the districts violated 14th Amendment equal protection and the Voting Rights Act. Common Cause filed an amicus brief on behalf of the plaintiff-appellees in this case.

Supreme Court Sends N.C. Partisan Gerrymandering Case, Rucho v. Common Cause, Back to Lower Court

The Rucho v. Common Cause organizational plaintiffs include Common Cause and the North Carolina Democratic Party. Both organizations have members in every congressional district in North Carolina. Rucho v. Common Cause also has individual plaintiffs, including  at least one voter from each of North Carolina’s 13 congressional districts.

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