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Voting & Elections 04.4.2018

Common Cause & Voting Rights Institute File SCOTUS Brief in Challenge to Texas Racial Gerrymander

Today, Common Cause and the Voting Rights Institute filed an amici brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Abbott v. Perez, in support of a challenge to Texas legislative districts twice found by lower courts to be discriminatory racial gerrymanders perpetrated by the state Legislature. The maps drawn after the 2010 Census, were initially found to violate the Voting Rights Act by a U.S. District Court in 2011 but were reinstituted by the Legislature in 2013 without change.

Media & Democracy 04.2.2018

Sinclair Broadcasting’s Forced Propaganda Offers Yet Another Reason FCC Should Reject Tribune Media Purchase

Statement of Michael Copps former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Adviser Sinclair’s latest plan to force its local stations to air must-run segments criticizing other news outlets is another example of the company masking its editorialized content with trusted local broadcasters. President Trump’s tweet dismissing opposition to Sinclair’s destruction of local news shows how big media uses its money and power to influence our elected officials.

Citizenship Question Threatens A Fair and Accurate Census

Americans deserve a fair and accurate census where everyone within the borders of our country are counted, regardless of their citizenship status. The inclusion of the citizenship question threatens that constitutional requirement and politicizes this process.

Money & Influence 03.26.2018

DOJ & FEC Complaints Filed Against Cambridge Analytica for Violating Prohibition on Election-Related Activities by Foreign Nationals in Work for Trump, Others

Today, Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging reason to believe that Cambridge Analytica LTD and its sister company, SCL Group Limited, and numerous employees of the London-based companies repeatedly violated the prohibition on foreign nationals performing certain election-related activities over two U.S. election cycles – including extensive work for the Trump campaign.

Voting & Elections 03.19.2018

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Pennsylvania Supreme Court Congressional Redistricting

Today’s Supreme Court Ruling was a victory for Pennsylvania voters who will now be able to cast ballots for congressional candidates in districts not unconstitutionally manipulated to make them uncompetitive. It has always been our belief that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court acted in the best interest of the citizens of our commonwealth. The old map was an egregious attempt to predetermine congressional elections, which is why they ruled the map as unconstitutional.

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