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Voting & Elections 02.7.2018

Ohio Legislature Puts Redistricting Reform on May Ballot

Following weeks of negotiations among Common Cause Ohio and other members of the Fair Districts=Fair Elections coalition and leaders of the state legislature, a congressional redistricting reform measure will be on the ballot in May.

Money & Influence 02.6.2018

D.C. Mayor Bowser Should Sign Citizen-Financed Election Bill to Clean Up Elections

D.C. residents want their government back from special interests and Mayor Bowser should sign the citizen-financed election bill passed unanimously by the City Council. I testified in support of this legislation because I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact citizen-financed elections can bring about after I helped pass Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program.

Voting & Elections 02.6.2018

SCOTUS Denies Expedited Review of North Carolina Partisan Gerrymander Leaving Voters in Limbo

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the motion for expedited review of Common Cause v. Rucho in the wake of the Court granting a stay in the case after a unanimous decision from a three-judge federal court had ruled North Carolina’s congressional districts unconstitutional and ordered them redrawn by January 24, 2018.

In Wake of Nunes-Russia Memo Release, White House Should Clear Schiff Memo on Russia Investigation for Release Expeditiously

Americans deserve the facts about the Russian attack on the 2016 election and the ongoing investigation, and the White House owes the American people answers. The Trump Administration should move quickly to clear the release of the House Intelligence Committee Democratic members’ response to the Nunes memo. The Republican memo has been widely discredited for cherry-picking facts in an attempt to undermine the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Russian attacks. Americans should be presented with the facts, not conspiracy theories hatched by a member of the Trump transition team.

Voting & Elections 02.5.2018

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Stay of Order to Redraw Pennsylvania Congressional Districts in Victory for Fair Maps

Today the United State Supreme Court denied the request in League of Women Voters vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a stay of an order by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, that the legislature redraw congressional district lines because they violated the state constitution.


Common Cause Pennsylvania Urges Legislature To Vote No on HB153

Based on our extensive review of House Bill 153, which reduces the size of the legislature, Common Cause Pennsylvania strongly recommends a NO vote on the bill.

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