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Voting & Elections 01.17.2018

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Oral Argument Focuses on Maps and Unrepresentative Congressional Delegation

Every Pennsylvanian deserves a representative voice in Washington. Unfortunately our congressional delegation does not reflect the citizens of the Commonwealth because of the legislators who drew the maps for purely partisan gain.

Voting & Elections 01.17.2018

Common Cause Urges Supreme Court to Reject Stay Request for Order to Redraw North Carolina Congressional Districts

Today, Common Cause filed a brief in Common Cause v. Rucho urging the U.S. Supreme Court to reject a stay request of a federal court ruling which ordered that the North Carolina Legislature redraw the state’s unconstitutionally gerrymandered congressional districts by January 24. The U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina Middle District ruled last week that the Legislature had unconstitutionally drawn congressional district lines with the intent and effect of creating a severe partisan advantage for one side.


Common Cause Prevails in Federal Court Challenge to North Carolina’s Partisan Gerrymander

Today, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina struck down North Carolina’s partisan gerrymander of congressional districts by the state’s legislature in a challenge originally brought by Common Cause.

Voting & Elections 01.5.2018

Common Cause Files Brief in Challenge to Outrageous Partisan Political Gerrymander of Pennsylvania Congressional Districts

Today, Common Cause filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in support of a challenge to the state’s extreme partisan political gerrymander. Despite a roughly equal split in votes between the parties in each election since the 2011 redistricting, Republicans have consistently won 13 of the state’s 18 congressional seats. If successful, the case could result in the Court ordering the redrawing of the districts before the 2018 election.

Voting & Elections 01.4.2018

President Trump Shuts Down Pence-Kobach Election Integrity Commission

This commission was flawed from the start, led by the wrong people pushing the wrong agenda.

Common Cause Calls for Release of Fusion GPS Congressional Interview Transcripts & More Transparent Process

Today, Common Cause urged the three congressional committees that interviewed Fusion GPS employees to release transcripts of the testimony by the opposition research firm. The letters to the Senate Judiciary and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees come in the wake of a New York Times opinion page piece by Fusion GPS founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch outlining a smear campaign against them by President Trump’s defenders, including misleading excerpts from their congressional interview transcripts.

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