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Special Counsel Appointment is the Correct First Step, But An Independent Commission Is Still Needed

The voices of millions of Americans, from all parties and every point on the political spectrum, have been heard tonight. The appointment of a special counsel to oversee the investigation of Russia’s interference in our election and possible connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian government is a positive, necessary first step in response to their demands for an independent investigation.

James Comey Should Testify Publicly, Memo and Tapes Could Reveal Obstruction of Justice

The conduct of President Trump alleged in media reports appear to represent the commission of a felony by Donald Trump. If true, The New York Times report that President Trump asked FBI Director James Comey to end the agency’s investigation of Michael Flynn would constitute obstruction of justice which is an impeachable offense. The accusations must be fully investigated by an independent commission and a special prosecutor.

Trump Makes the Case for Independent Probe of Russia Ties

Common Cause has been arguing for months for an independent investigation of President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible collusion between his presidential campaign and Russian efforts to disrupt last year’s election. The president has now made the case for us

Voting & Elections 05.15.2017

CCNC statement on US Supreme Court declining to take up NC voting law case

On Monday, the US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of a lower court ruling that struck down North Carolina's sweeping restrictions on voting access, which included implementation of a voter ID requirement, cuts to early voting and elimination of same-day voter registration.

Trump-Russian Investigation Must Examine Possible Obstruction of Justice by the President

New revelations about the circumstances around President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey demand that the investigation add possible obstruction of justice to the list of potential crimes committed by the President and his staff.

Corrine Brown Fraud Deprived Children in Need & Betrayed Her Constituents

Today’s verdict confirms that Congresswoman Brown exploited the generosity of her constituents, other Floridians and contributors outside the state to enrich herself with funds those donors understood would provide scholarships for needy students. Her disgraceful conduct betrayed her solemn promise to “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution and “faithfully discharge the duties” of her office.

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