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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Maryland Legislature Rescinds Call for Dangerous Constitutional Convention in the Face of Nationwide Special Interests Push

Today the Maryland legislature voted to protect every Americans’ constitutional rights by rescinding its calls for a dangerous Article V constitutional convention. State lawmakers cited the threat of a “runaway convention,” which could result in major changes to the U.S. Constitution and its protections in a process bankrolled by special interests.

Nunes Removal a Good Start but Independent Commission Must Investigate Russian Election Interference

Common Cause continues to call for Rep. Nunes to step down as House Intelligence Committee Chair and for Congress to create a special commission to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election.


Common Cause Adds Four to Development Team as Citizen Engagement & Membership Surge

Amidst a huge surge in membership and citizen engagement, today Common Cause announced the addition three new development team members and the move of Rey Lpez-Caldern to the post of Interim Vice President of Development from his role as Director of State Organizational Development. The moves come at a time when Americans are exhibiting a growing concern with the health of American democracy as a result are turning to Common Cause to lead in the struggle to hold power accountable. The organization is seeing unprecedented growth in its membership – surging to 750,000 up from just 450,000 a year ago.

Media & Democracy 04.4.2017

Trump Signs Away Consumer Privacy Protections on the Internet

Privacy goes the way of populism as Trump rolls over again for big business. Despite a campaign filled with rhetoric about the plight of forgotten Americans, Trump has once again come down on the side of corporate profiteering at the expense of Americans who don't sit on corporate boards and can't afford a $200,000 membership at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach. Trump has flip-flipped on his own campaign promises and handed over Americans' right to privacy to those with the deepest pockets.

Voting & Elections 03.31.2017

Georgia Racial Gerrymander Bill Voted Down in Senate

Overnight, the Georgia Senate voted down House bill 515, a racial gerrymandering proposal that had been dropped at the end of session on short notice in the House and cleared through committee in minutes without public comment. Common Cause Georgia fought the bill from the outset and urged the Senate to vote it down on the grounds that significant numbers of Black voters would be packed into legislative districts with “safe” seats – thereby diluting their voting power to elect candidates of their choice - in order to move new white voters into Republican legislative districts that were carried by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton during the presidential election.

White House Orchestrated “Leak” to Muddy Water in Russian Election Interference Investigation

The White House is going to increasing and troubling lengths to influence and undermine the investigations of possible coordination between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government. It is becoming increasingly disturbingly clear that the White House will do anything to try to change headlines President Trump doesn’t like. Instead of taking the Russian interference in the 2016 election seriously, President Trump, White House staff, and House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes are playing partisan games to try to distract Americans from the truth.

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