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Media & Democracy 03.28.2017

'A Perversion of What the Internet Was Supposed to Be'

Congress has knuckled under to Big Telecom and Big Cable on internet privacy. If the bill passed today is signed by the president, broadband providers will have free rein to sell user data to the highest bidder - without ever informing consumers.”

Speaker Ryan Should Remove Nunes As Intelligence Committee Chair

Rep. Devin Nunes has surrendered his own integrity and compromised that of the entire House Intelligence Committee. House Speaker Paul Ryan should immediately relieve Nunes of his chairmanship.

Voting & Elections 03.23.2017

Common Cause and Georgia NAACP Appeal Lower Court Ruling Greenlighting Georgia Voter Roll Purge

Common Cause and the Georgia NAACP filed notice of appeal today with the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in response to a lower court dismissal of their complaint against Georgia Secretary of State Kemp for violating section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) regarding how voters are purged from the registration rolls.

Voting & Elections 03.20.2017

Special Prosecutor Needed to Investigate Russian Election Interference

There were troubling signs that some Republican committee members of the House Intelligence Committee had difficulty rising above partisanship to fairly and impartially investigate the direct attack on our democracy by the Russian government during the 2016 presidential race. The partisan protection of the Trump Administration today demonstrates the clear need for a special prosecutor or independent commission to fully investigate the extensive campaign by the Russian government to help elect Donald Trump as President of the United States.

Media & Democracy 03.16.2017

Defunding of Corporation for Public Broadcasting a Blow to Heartland: Statement of Michael Copps

The President rails against “fake news,” but in eliminating the Corporation for Public Broadcasting his budget plan would sever the financial lifeline of scores of public TV and radio stations that are among the most reliable, trusted sources of real news for millions of Americans.

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