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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Money & Influence 04.28.2016

Study Details Clout of Wealthy, White Donors in Chicago Politics

A new report by Common Cause and other advocacy groups shows wealthy, white political donors in Chicago wield power far beyond their proportion of the city's population

Voting & Elections 04.26.2016

Statement on Illinois Redistricting Proposals

Over the past week, two proposals have been filed in the Illinois General Assembly to reform how district maps are drawn in Illinois.

Common Cause Urges Presidential Candidates to Adopt Delegate Gift Ban

Letters call on candidates to pledge not to make gifts to convention delegates


Common Cause: Democracy Awakening Proves the People Will Prevail

Democracy Awakening, Democracy Spring

Voting & Elections 04.7.2016

Gerrymandering Shields Legislators from Thinking about All Constituents or the Common Good

The North Carolina legislature last month held a one-day special session to pass House Bill 2, a controversial measure blocking the City of Charlotte's anti-discrimination ordinance that was designed to protect members of the LGBT community.

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