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Money & Influence 07.22.2015

IRS Should Quickly Issue, Vigorously Enforce New Rules for Political Nonprofits

Common Cause calls on the IRS to force political nonprofits to disclose their donors

Money & Influence 07.16.2015

Wisconsin Ruling Invites Onslaught of Special Interest Spending on State Politics

As expected, a highly compromised Wisconsin Supreme Court majority has issued a highly flawed decision today ending the John Doe investigation of possible illegal coordination between Governor Scott Walker and his 2011-2012 recall campaign with outside special interest groups. The decision should be appealed to the United States Supreme Court.

Voting & Elections 07.9.2015

Common Cause, Allies, Win Major Victory Over Gerrymandering in Florida

Florida’s highest court has delivered a major victory to Common Cause and other opponents of gerrymandering, tossing out a set of congressional districts drawn to protect Republican lawmakers and ordering the state legislature to fashion new districts.

Money & Influence 07.7.2015

Common Cause Hails D.C. Circuit Decision on Campaign Contributions by Federal Contractors

“The court unanimously supports the public’s vital interest in stopping government corruption, but the case didn’t address the anonymous contributions federal contractors make to secret dark money groups that perpetuate pay to play corruption. With an executive order requiring disclosure of political spending by federal contractors, President Obama can attack these shady practices that hurt businesses and taxpayers, and shift the national debate from the problem of money in our political system, to solutions the public demands."

Money & Influence 07.7.2015

Tax Laws Should Not Be A Shroud for 'Dark Money' Donors

The Internal Revenue Service should act promptly to block non-profit political committees from using the tax laws to hide the identity of their donors, Common Cause said today.

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