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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Money & Influence 09.11.2014

Statement by Common Cause President Miles Rapoport on Today’s Vote on the Democracy for All Amendment, S.J. Res 19.

Opponents of the Democracy for All Amendment have spent the past three days arguing that the amendment is a dangerous attack on the First Amendment. Their votes today expose them as the real opponents of free speech, maintaining a system that lets a few wealthy Americans drown out the voices of millions of their fellow citizens.

Money & Influence 09.8.2014

Statement by Common Cause President Miles Rapoport on Today's Proceedings on the Democracy for All Amendment, S. J. Res. 19

We’re pleased that the Senate will conduct a full debate on the Democracy for All Amendment and the power of big money in our politics and government. The case for the amendment is compelling; the arguments against it will not stand up to scrutiny.

Common Cause, Members of Congress, and DREAM Act Beneficiaries Ask Supreme Court to Throw Out Senate's 60-Vote Filibuster Rule

Common Cause has petitioned the Supreme Court to hear its challenge to the Senate's filibuster rule


Statement by Miles Rapoport on Announcement that Chris Gates Will Assume Presidency of the Sunlight Foundation

Common Cause President praises the selection of Chris Gates to head Sunlight Foundation.

Money & Influence 09.8.2014

Bipartisan case for a Constitutional amendment on campaign finance

Following recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions dismantling our nation’s campaign finance laws, all Americans are certainly not equal on Election Day.

Money & Influence 09.8.2014

The Threat to American Democracy

On Monday, we will vote on our constitutional amendment on campaign finance reform. But we won’t stop there. We must develop an unprecedented grass-roots movement in all 50 states to make it clear to Congress and the Supreme Court that buying of elections is not what American democracy is all about.

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