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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Statement by Common Cause President Miles Rapoport on the 44th Birthday of Common Cause

Common Cause President Miles Rapoport marks organization's 44th birthday by rededicating it to the vision of founder John Gardner

Money & Influence 08.15.2014

Poll Shows Strong Bipartisan Support for ‘People’s Pledge’

A new poll commissioned by Public Citizen shows strong bipartisan support among voters for the “People’s Pledge,” an agreement more candidates are entering to curb the influence of outside spending in their campaigns.

Media & Democracy 08.13.2014

Former FCC Commissioner Requests Urgent Meeting with President on Net Neutrality

In a letter sent Wednesday to the White House seeking a meeting with the president, former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps and Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron warn that rules pending before the Federal Communications Commission “undermine Net Neutrality and imperil the future of the open Internet.”

Corporate Lobby Sets Its Sights on Your Garbage Man

The American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-funded nonprofit that promotes a free-market agenda through state legislatures, has spawned an offshoot to press its case through local governments.

Voting & Elections 08.6.2014

Syracuse Newspaper Slams Use of “Independent” in New York Ballot Measure Description

A Syracuse Post-Standard editorial criticized New York state’s Board of Elections for using “independent” in the official ballot language describing a proposed commission to redraw legislative lines after each census.

Voting & Elections 08.4.2014

Cap Times Urges Wisconsin Candidates to Take a Stand for Redistricting Reform

The Cap Times of Wisconsin published an editorial urging state legislature candidates to take Common Cause Wisconsin’s pledge to support unbiased redistricting. Common Cause Wisconsin is publishing a list of candidates who voice their support for a redistricting proposal that would take the partisan politics out of the process for drawing legislative boundaries.

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