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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Common Cause Files Final Gerrymandering Brief in Advance of Supreme Court Arguments 

Common Cause filed its final brief with the U.S. Supreme Court today, three weeks in advance of oral arguments in Rucho v. Common Cause. The case challenges an extreme Republican gerrymander in North Carolina that was found to be unconstitutional twice by a federal district court. 

Kushner Security Clearance Shows Need to Pass Legislation to Protect National Security

Americans expect and deserve to have the security of the nation put before the whims of the President. When the President refuses to accept the counsel of security officials and grants top-secret clearance to friends and family who pose security risks, then it is time for Congress to step in and protect our national security.

Voting & Elections 02.27.2019

Common Cause Calls Out State’s Misleading Statement on Costs of Hand-Marked Paper Ballots vs Electronic Ballot Marking Devices

In a misleading statement released yesterday, Georgia Secretary of State (SOS) Brad Raffensperger claimed that the cost of deploying a voting system relying on hand-marked paper ballots and ballot marking devices for disability access would exceed the cost of deploying only electronic ballot marking devices for every voting station.  

House Checks Trump’s Abuse of Emergency Powers, Senate Must Follow Suit

The House took decisive action today to overturn President Trump’s abuse of the Emergency Powers Act and the Senate must follow suit. Americans expect and deserve a Congress that will not tolerate abuse of power by the president.

Common Cause Endorses Congressional Resolution to Block President Trump’s Unconstitutional National Emergency Declaration

The American people deserve accountability for President Trump’s abuse of presidential powers. The bipartisan congressional resolution blocking President Trump’s national emergency declaration to build his border wall is the correct step forward to put a check on President Trump.

Media & Democracy 02.19.2019

Common Cause Condemns Broadcaster Push for a VHF Discount

Broadcasters are seldom bashful, but this new effort to apply the archaic, discredited UHF discount to VHF stations is as blatant a land-grab as I’ve ever seen. It would push consolidation into warp speed, further decimate local news, and result in many more communities which can only listen and never speak for themselves.

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