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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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President Trump’s Ongoing Denial of Russian Threat Reinforces Need for Congressional Action

President Trump’s continued efforts to obfuscate and dodge forcefully addressing Russian interference in the 2016 election hammer home the need for Congress to act to safeguard our elections and our democracy. Americans expect their President and other elected officials to put their country before their party when facing an ongoing threat from a hostile foreign state.

Media & Democracy 07.12.2018

Common Cause Supports DOJ Appeal of AT&T-Time Warner Merger Approval

The Department of Justice announced today it is appealing the approval of the AT&T-Time Warner Merger

Money & Influence 07.12.2018

ExxonMobil Quits ALEC Over Climate Change Disagreement

ExxonMobil became the latest company to announce it is cutting ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group. According to a report by Bloomberg News, the oil giant is leaving the organization due to disagreements over climate change policy.

Voting & Elections 07.12.2018

Massachusetts Legislature Passes Automatic Voter Registration

The Bay State is on its way to becoming the 14th state to adopt the innovative reform since 2015

Common Cause Plaintiffs Urge Swift Return of North Carolina Partisan Gerrymandering Challenge to U.S. Supreme Court

Briefs filed today in Common Cause v. Rucho in the Middle-District of Central North Carolina.

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