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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Voting & Elections 01.4.2018

President Trump Shuts Down Pence-Kobach Election Integrity Commission

This commission was flawed from the start, led by the wrong people pushing the wrong agenda.

Common Cause Calls for Release of Fusion GPS Congressional Interview Transcripts & More Transparent Process

Today, Common Cause urged the three congressional committees that interviewed Fusion GPS employees to release transcripts of the testimony by the opposition research firm. The letters to the Senate Judiciary and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees come in the wake of a New York Times opinion page piece by Fusion GPS founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch outlining a smear campaign against them by President Trump’s defenders, including misleading excerpts from their congressional interview transcripts.

Media & Democracy 12.14.2017

FCC Vote to Scuttle Net Neutrality Ignores the Public and the Public Interest

Donald Trump's Chairman, Ajit Pai, has recklessly ignored the tens of millions of Americans who know that affordable access to the Open Internet is essential to life in the 21st century. Today's vote is a body blow for self-expression and self-governance. And the tainted process of ignoring tens of thousands of consumer net neutrality complaints makes the FCC action illegitimate.

Media & Democracy 12.13.2017

FCC Vote Tomorrow Will Weigh the Public Interest Against Corporate Interests

This may well be the last gasp of the open internet, as big telecom’s majority as the FCC decrees instead the Gate-keeper’s Internet—a shadowy world of monopoly, commercialism, and conspiracy in restraint of democracy that totally subverts the promise of what might have been.

Corrine Brown Betrayed Her Constituents Out of a Sense of Entitlement

The sentencing of former Congresswoman Corrine Brown today to 5 years in prison is not about misplaced trust by her, but misplaced trust by her District 5 constituency and all Floridians that her long career in Congress was in her own self-interest and not in service to them. Brown betrayed her constituents who sent her to Washington to represent their interests, not her own. The sense of entitlement that allowed Brown to participate in this fraud to enrich herself in the name of underprivileged children is extremely disappointing.


Common Cause Pennsylvania Names Micah Sims Its New Executive Director

Today, Common Cause announced that Micah C.T. Sims has been named Executive Director of Common Cause Pennsylvania. Micah brings to the position a diverse background that includes community organizing and advocacy, working as a radio and television host, and continuing in a calling to ministry.

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