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Media & Democracy 10.25.2017

FCC Deals Blow to Local News then Announces Vote Next Month to Remove Hurdle to Massive Sinclair-Tribune Merger

Media monopolization imperils democracy - fewer press outlets mean less of the accountability journalism that American voters depend on to cast informed ballots. Meanwhile corrupt politicians can rest easy that the depleted local press corps will be less likely to report on graft. Ajit Pai’s anti-public interest wrecking ball is poised to strike again.

Money & Influence 10.19.2017

The Legislature’s rejection of the destruction of the Citizens’ Election Program is a step in right direction

Connecticut deserves honest and responsive elected officials who don’t have to compromise themselves in a constant chase for political contributions. That is exactly what the Citizens’ Election Program provided and the rampant scandals in Hartford finally slowed under the law.

Money & Influence 10.19.2017

Klobuchar, Warner, McCain Online Transparency Bill Good First Step in Response to Russian Election Attacks

Americans have a right to know who is using political advertising to influence their votes and their views. As technology changes and political advertising shifts to online platforms, our transparency laws should keep pace. The recent revelations of Kremlin-connected influence operations on Facebook and Twitter underscore how important it is for Congress to take meaningful action. The bipartisan HONEST Ads Act is a critical step forward in enhancing the transparency of online political advertising. Common Cause commends Senators Klobuchar, Warner and McCain for their strong bipartisan leadership in introducing this important bill to bolster the integrity of our democracy.

Trump’s Threat Against NBC Broadcast License an Attempt to Intimidate

“This madcap threat, if pursued, would be blatant and unacceptable intervention in the decisions of an independent agency. The law does not countenance such interference."

Voting & Elections 10.10.2017

DEFCON Election Hacking Report Hammers Home Need to Safeguard Our Elections

Americans expect and deserve free and fair elections, but the release of a report on the Voting Machine Hacking Village at DEFCON last summer lays bare the vulnerabilities of our nation’s election equipment, databases and infrastructure. The Atlantic Council’s convening of a bipartisan group of national security advisors, cybersecurity experts and election officials to establish protocols to safeguard our elections is welcome news.

Money & Influence 10.8.2017

Governor Brown Strengthens Democracy by Signing the California DISCLOSE Act

California Common Cause and its 155,000 members applaud Gov. Brown for putting the people first by signing the California DISCLOSE Act (AB 249 - Mullin) yesterday.

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