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Voting & Elections 09.22.2017

21 States’ Election Infrastructure Targeted By Russian Hackers

Today’s revelations from DHS that 21 state election systems were targeted by Russian hackers is troubling on a number of levels. First it should never have taken the federal government so long to share this information with the targeted states. Perhaps most disturbing is the fact that some states have told reporters that they were unaware of being targeted.

Money & Influence 09.21.2017

Late Facebook Response Does Not Remove Responsibility Congress and Regulators to Increase Transparency

Americans have a right to know who is trying to influence their vote—whether hostile foreign nations like Russia, corporate front groups, or wealthy special interests. Facebook’s announcement this afternoon that it shared evidence of fake Facebook accounts and Russian political ads with Special Counsel Mueller and Congressional investigators was slow in coming but it is a step forward as are the broad brushstroke descriptions of their new policies.

Money & Influence 09.20.2017

In Seattle Common Cause & CLC File Brief in New Challenge to Citizen-Financed Elections

Today, Common Cause and the Campaign Legal Center filed an amici brief in Washington State’s King County Superior Court in Elster v. City of Seattle in support of the city’s campaign finance voucher program. The brief makes clear that the Seattle program is consistent with a host of other citizen-funded elections programs upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court since campaign finance reforms were enacted in the wake of the Watergate scandals to curb the buying and selling of influence in the halls of government.

Money & Influence 09.20.2017

Gov. Snyder Takes Michigan Backwards By Signing Special Interest Campaign Finance Bills

Governor Rick Snyder was quick to sign two bills today that will increase the influence of special interests in Michigan. SB 335 and SB 336 are unacceptable attacks on the democratic process by expanding the damage from the Supreme Court’s disastrous 2010 Citizens United decision in Michigan. Common Cause had organized its 30,000 Michigan members to email and call Gov. Snyder, urging him to veto the bills.

Voting & Elections 09.20.2017

Rhode Island Takes Important Step to Secure Elections with Post-Election Audits

Last night, the General Assembly passed important legislation to increase security of Rhode Island elections with post-election audits to ensure the accuracy of vote counts. The bills, once they are signed by Governor Gina Raimondo who has publicly supported them, will phase in the use of an innovative procedure called risk-limiting post-election audits. These audits serve as a check on the initial machine counts reported on election night, and confirm that our election results are correct.

Voting & Elections 09.15.2017

Common Cause, Voters Sue Kris Kobach for Unlawfully Targeting Individual American Citizens Under Cloak of “Advisory Commission”

Common Cause and registered voters from Florida, Texas, and New York, filed a complaint against Kris Kobach, Vice-Chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, to halt his unprecedented and unlawful investigation into individual American voters.

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