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Trump-Russian Investigation Must Examine Possible Obstruction of Justice by the President

New revelations about the circumstances around President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey demand that the investigation add possible obstruction of justice to the list of potential crimes committed by the President and his staff.

Corrine Brown Fraud Deprived Children in Need & Betrayed Her Constituents

Today’s verdict confirms that Congresswoman Brown exploited the generosity of her constituents, other Floridians and contributors outside the state to enrich herself with funds those donors understood would provide scholarships for needy students. Her disgraceful conduct betrayed her solemn promise to “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution and “faithfully discharge the duties” of her office.

Voting & Elections 05.11.2017

Trump Voting Commission a Sham and a Diversion

President Trump’s election integrity commission is a sham and an attempt to distract from the both the Russian attack on the 2016 presidential election and blowback the White House is receiving for firing FBI Director Comey. To launch an election commission at any time on voter fraud would be throwing away resources in a search for mythical creatures – problems that don’t exist – while failing to address the real problems in our elections systems: suppressive tactics. To investigate any election problems at this juncture while denying and ignoring the Russian attack on the presidential election, moreover, is irresponsible and a slap in the face to the American people who want and deserve to know what happened.

Government Accountability Groups Call on Deputy AG Rosenstein to Promptly Appoint an Independent Special Counsel to Handle Russia Investigation

In a letter sent today to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Common Cause joined with twenty-three groups and individuals with expertise in government integrity and accountability to express deep concern about President Trump’s inappropriate firing of FBI Director James Comey yesterday.

Trump Firing of Comey & Russian Election Attack Must be Investigated by Independent Commission

James Comey’s handling of major investigations involving both presidential candidates has drawn extensive criticism but President Trump has no business firing him while the president, his campaign, and members of his Administration are under investigation for possible collusion in the Russian attacks on the 2016 presidential election.

Voting & Elections 05.9.2017

Yates and Clapper Testimony & Attacks on French Election Further Prove Need for Independent Commission on Russia Attacks

As more key witnesses testify before Congressional committees it is becoming increasingly clear that only an independent commission can do a credible investigation of the Russian attack on the 2016 presidential investigation. In a new letter to Congress sent today, Common Cause urged Member to convene an independent body with the power and will to follow the investigation wherever it leads.

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