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Voting & Elections 05.9.2017

Voting Rights Groups Sue California for Voter Suppression

Voting rights groups filed a federal lawsuit today against California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for its failure to offer federally mandated voter registration opportunities to millions of Californians.

Media & Democracy 05.8.2017

Sinclair-Tribune Merger a Blow to Nation's Civic Dialogue

Sinclair's acquisition of Tribune Broadcasting is expected and disappointing. Expected because the new FCC majority is foaming at the mouth to rubber stamp more massive media mergers; and disappointing because Sinclair is not known for the best journalism in the land, to put it mildly. Our nation’s civic dialogue suffers yet another blow with this merger.

Money & Influence 05.4.2017

Trump Executive Order Will Encourage Some Religious & Charitable Groups to Flood Elections with More Secret Money

Today’s executive order is just an expansion of the disastrous Supreme Court Citizens United decision which opened the floodgates of secret money into our elections, taking the buying of influence from elected officials into the shadows and away from public view.

Voting & Elections 05.2.2017

Common Cause IN and NAACP Lawsuit Seeks to End Unequal Access to the Ballot

Common Cause Indiana, the Indiana State Conference of the NAACP and NAACP Branch #3053 filed a federal lawsuit today challenging Marion County policies that give county residents fewer opportunities to vote early than are provided in other Indiana localities.

Stephen Spaulding Returns to Common Cause as Chief of Strategy and External Relations

Common Cause announced today that Stephen Spaulding will be returning to Common Cause in May as Chief of Strategy and External Relations. He departs the Federal Election Commission (FEC) this week after serving as Special Counsel to FEC Commissioner Ann M. Ravel, an outspoken critic of the agency’s dysfunction.

New DOD Probe and White House Stonewalling Show Need for Independent Commission

Today’s revelations that the Pentagon Inspector General is investigating disgraced former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and that the White House is stonewalling congressional probes of Flynn’s ties to Russia underscore the need for a nonpartisan independent investigation of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

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