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Voting & Elections 02.28.2017

House Judiciary Republicans Vote to Withhold Information on DOJ Investigation of Russian Election Interference & Trump Conflicts

Americans expect and deserve free and fair elections. History will not look kindly on efforts to hide the details of massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Sadly, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, on a party line vote, chose to do just that silencing efforts by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) to direct the Justice Department to provide the House of Representatives with the information uncovered through the investigation of Russian election interference, communications between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, and President Trump’s potential conflicts of interest.

Voting & Elections 02.27.2017

Sessions’ DOJ Reverses Course on Texas Voter ID Law

The right to vote is a keystone of our democracy but Texas’ voter ID law intentionally stripped hundreds of thousands of Texans of that right

Groups Inform AG Sessions that Federal Regulations Require His Recusal from Investigation of Russia’s Intervention in the 2016 Presidential Election

In a letter sent today to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, 25 organizations and individuals, including those with legal and ethics expertise, called on the Attorney General to promptly recuse himself from all Department of Justice investigations and actions regarding Russia's intervention in the 2016 election

Groups Urge Senators to Support Disclosure Bill to Address Trump’s Emoluments Clause Problems Relating to Trade Activities

Groups Urge Senators to Support Disclosure Bill to Address Trump’s Emoluments Clause Problems Relating to Trade Activities

Common Cause Urges Senate to Delay Scott Pruitt Vote Until Court Rules on Open Records Request

Common Cause Urges Senate to Delay Scott Pruitt Vote Until Court Rules on Open Records Request

Voting & Elections 02.14.2017

Flynn Scandal Emphasizes Need for Select Committee Investigation of Russian Election Influence

Democracy, and the American voters’ faith in it, depends on free and fair elections. Voters deserve an impartial investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race by a Bipartisan Select Committee.

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