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Voting & Elections 01.24.2017

In Opposition to Sessions Nomination, Common Cause Activists Deliver Petitions to Senate Offices from Alaska to Florida

Today, Common Cause activists in a dozen states are delivering petitions urging their U.S. Senators to vote against the nomination of Sen. Jefferson Beauregard “Jeff” Sessions III (R-AL) to serve as U.S. Attorney General. For decades, Sen. Sessions has been an outspoken critic of the Voting Rights Act, one of the nation’s most critical pieces of civil and voting rights legislation, which paved the way for an inclusive democracy. As Attorney General, Sessions would be charged with deciding how and when to enforce the Voting Rights Act, which he has repeatedly condemned as an “intrusive piece of legislation.” The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote today to send the nomination forward to a vote of the full Senate in the coming weeks.

Media & Democracy 01.23.2017

Statement of Former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor Michael Copps on Appointment of Ajit Pai to Chairman of FCC

"I am totally convinced the majority of Americans, including many who voted for the new president, strongly favor an open internet and a media ecosystem that is up to the task of informing democracy,”

Rep. Chaffetz Should Thank Ethics Chief, Not Threaten Him

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee is sending disturbing signals about the new Congress's attitude toward ethics enforcement

Trump Conflict Plan Woefully Inadequate

President-elect Trump’s planned arrangement with the Trump Organization falls far short of what’s necessary to avoid conflicts of interest and Emoluments Clause violations that will dog his administration and severely undermine the public’s faith in government.

Voting & Elections 01.11.2017

Trump Must Call for Select Committee if He Wants to Clear his Name & Answer Questions About Russian Interference in 2016 Election

President-elect Trump must call for a Joint Bipartisan Select Committee if he wants to clear his name and answer questions concerning the extent to which Russian government interference helped him win the presidency.

Voting & Elections 01.6.2017

Congress Must Name Select Committee in Wake of New Intelligence Report on Russian Interference in 2016 Election:

The newly declassified intelligence report clearly shows that Congress must act swiftly to create a Select Committee to review the findings of this report in a nonpartisan manner and make recommendations moving forward.

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