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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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"Put Country Before Party"

Common Cause and a large coalition of advocacy groups called on Senate Republicans today to provide a hearing and a vote on President Obama's nominee to succeed Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Money & Influence 02.21.2016

Big Money Is Still Driving the Campaign

Common Cause statement on the South Carolina Republican primary and the withdrawal of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush

Voting & Elections 02.20.2016

Supreme Court Refuses to Block Order for Redrawing of NC Congressional Districts

Common Cause, allies comment on high court's refusal to freeze redistricting ordered by federal judges in NC

Voting & Elections 02.19.2016

Gerrymander Gazette - February 2016

In this monthly newsletter, Common Cause will provide periodic updates on the goofy politics that allow this anachronism to survive and the grassroots campaigns, legislative efforts, and litigation that are allowing citizens to fight back and make their voices heard.

Voting & Elections 02.19.2016

Gerrymander Gazette - March 2016

In this monthly newsletter, Common Cause will provide periodic updates on the goofy politics that allow this anachronism to survive and the grassroots campaigns, legislative efforts, and litigation that are allowing citizens to fight back and make their voices heard.

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