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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Common Cause Urges Congressional Select Committee Investigation of Flint Water Crisis

Statement by Wendy Fields, Common Cause Vice President, calls for full investigation of lead poisoning in Flint, MI water supply.

Reform Groups Strongly Oppose Constitutional Convention; Would Put Constitutional Rights at Risk

Efforts are being undertaken in state legislatures to pass resolutions calling for a constitutional convention to send various constitutional amendments to the states for ratification.

Money & Influence 02.2.2016

Support Campaign Finance Disclosures by Fossil Fuel Beneficiaries

During the 2014 election cycle, the fossil fuel industry spent hundreds of millions of dollars to influence the election results, much of it well hidden from voters. According to the Atlas Project, the fossil fuel industry spent more than $163 million on television ads across the country, contributed $64 million more directly to candidates and parties, and likely contributed hundreds of millions more on electioneering activities by outside groups. More than a third of electioneering spending by outside groups was paid for by unknown sources.

Money & Influence 02.2.2016

Common Cause Staffer Bryan Warner Wins Democracy for All Video Challenge

An animated video produced by Bryan Warner of Common Cause North Carolina to promote the Democracy for All Amendment Won a $25,000 grand prize.

Media & Democracy 01.28.2016

FCC Takes Welcome Step on Political Ads But Stronger Action Needed

Common Cause Praises FCC Move to Enhance Disclosure of Political Ad Funding

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