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Voting & Elections 08.6.2015

As Voting Rights Act Turns 50, Protecting and Strengthening It Should be Washington's Top Priority

As America marks the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, Congress and the Obama administration have a shared responsibility to pass new legislation renewing our nation’s commitment to guaranteeing every citizen easy access to the ballot.

Money & Influence 08.5.2015

Democrats Can’t Have It Both Ways on Campaign Finance Reform

If you listen to the Democratic Party’s presidential contenders and congressional leaders, it is clear they are in alignment with the vast majority of Americans who support genuine campaign finance reform and overturning Citizens United. But in a state with a successful Clean Elections law that many point to as a model for the country, the Connecticut State Democratic Party continues to sue the State Elections and Enforcement Commission, filing a new request for a judge to issue a declaratory judgment this week, after an as yet unresolved suit failed to get the state Democratic Party what it wants.

Money & Influence 07.29.2015

Common Cause Urges "Bright Line" Rules for Political Nonprofits

Political organizations posing as “social welfare” nonprofits and pumping hundreds of millions of dollars from hidden donors into political campaigns are depriving voters of information they need to make decisions on Election Day, a Common Cause attorney told senators today.


Florida Senate Admits Partisan Redistricting Violated State Constitution

The Florida Senate agreed with Common Cause and the League of Women Voters of Florida today that the Senate violated state constitutional anti-gerrymandering standards when it drew its 2012 district maps.

Voting & Elections 07.23.2015

Democracy Reformers Rally Across U.S. to Mark Birthday of Gerrymandering's Namesake

Citizens demanding fair representation and transparency in the drawing of legislative districts rallied across the country this week to commemorate the 271st birthday of Elbridge Gerry, the father of “gerrymandering.”

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