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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Statement by Miles Rapoport on the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez

The indictment returned against Sen. Bob Menendez today alleges a gross abuse of the public trust. While he is of course presumed innocent at this point, Sen. Menendez should step aside from his position as ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee until this matter is resolved.

Money & Influence 03.30.2015

As Dark Money Monsters Torment Investors, Shareholders Need SEC Chair to Be Superhero; They Ask: ‘Where Is Mary Jo White?’

Investors and Organizations Launch Anti-Dark Money Ad Blitz to Push Agency for a Rule Requiring Corporations to Disclose Political Spending

Common Cause Lauds BP's Withdrawal from ALEC

Common Cause and other public interest and shareholder organizations joined Monday in praising BP’s announcement that it is ending its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

Money & Influence 03.23.2015

Ted Cruz made it official - but what about everyone else?

Ted Cruz announced he is running for president today. But what about the other candidates?

Schock's Downfall Highlights Gaps in House Ethics Enforcement, Training

The resignation of Rep. Aaron Schock makes an open and shut case for stronger ethics enforcement and training in Congress, Common Cause said today.

Common Cause Calls on Hillary Clinton to Answer Email Questions

Hillary Rodham Clinton owes the American public a full and immediate explanation for her decision to use a private email account to conduct all of her official business during her tenure as secretary of state, Common Cause said today.

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