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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Money & Influence 01.13.2015

Whose Government? Whose Voice?

The big money injected into American politics by the Supreme Court’s historic – and fundamentally flawed – decision in Citizens United has blocked action on problems that large majorities of Americans care about most, including stagnant wages, gun control and climate change, Common Cause argues in a report released today.

Voting & Elections 01.12.2015

Santa Fe Joins Independent Redistricting Movement

National momentum for fair and transparent redistricting continued as Santa Fe, New Mexico launched implementation of an Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission.

Voting & Elections 01.10.2015

Common Cause Commends Illinois on Adoption of Election Day Registration

Common Cause hailed Illinois lawmakers and Gov. Pat Quinn today as the state’s chief executive signed historic legislation permitting residents to register and vote on Election Day.

Common Cause Commends Udall-Merkley Filibuster Reform Plan

Common Cause called on the U.S. Senate’s new majority today to inaugurate a new, more productive era by adopting the rules reform package offered by Sens. Tom Udall and Jeff Merkley.

In McDonnell Case, the Real Scandal is What's Legal

The legal system has delivered justice to Bob McDonnell; Virginians should now insist that the political system deliver for them – in the form of tough, sensible campaign finance laws -- Common Cause said today.

Voting & Elections 12.22.2014

Commission Proposals Would Shift Power to Voters, Away from Partisan Operators

The redistricting recommendations submitted today by Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s Integrity Commission would go a long way toward shifting political power to voters and away from partisan operatives. The General Assembly should approve them promptly.

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