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Money & Influence 09.8.2014

The Threat to American Democracy

On Monday, we will vote on our constitutional amendment on campaign finance reform. But we won’t stop there. We must develop an unprecedented grass-roots movement in all 50 states to make it clear to Congress and the Supreme Court that buying of elections is not what American democracy is all about.

Common Cause, Allies Call on Congressional Leaders to Extend Independent Ethics Office

Common Cause joined with other reform groups and distinguished citizens to urge House leaders to extend the Office of Congressional Ethics in the next Congress

Money & Influence 09.4.2014

Statement of Common Cause President Miles Rapoport on Record One Million Public Comments Urging the SEC to Require Corporate Disclosure of Political Spending

Earlier today, representatives of the Corporate Reform Coalition conducted a press conference outside the SEC to urge the agency to move swiftly on a proposed rule requiring corporations to disclose their political spending. A petition requesting this rulemaking was filed in 2011 by a bi-partisan committee of leading law professors. The rulemaking was placed on the agency’s agenda by former SEC Chair Mary Schapiro in 2013, but was removed by Chair Mary Jo White earlier this year, sparking outrage among investors and the public.

Common Cause and More Than 50 Other Groups Call on Google to Quit the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

Common Cause and 54 other organizations joined Wednesday in asking Google to drop its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group.

Media & Democracy 09.3.2014

Common Cause Blasts FCC for Failing to Enforce Its Own Rules

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is shirking its responsibility to enforce the longstanding federal law requiring broadcasters to disclose the “true identity” of the sponsors of political advertising, Common Cause said today.

Money & Influence 08.27.2014

McConnell's Appeal to Millionaire Donors Makes Case for Constitutional Amendment on Political Money

He surely did not intend it, but Sen. Mitch McConnell has made a stunningly compelling case for a constitutional amendment allowing Congress and the states to restore sensible limits on the influence of money in politics. We appreciate his help and his clarity.

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