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For media requests: Contact Bryan Warner, Director of Communications, at bwarner@commoncause.org or 919-836-0027, ext. 0.

Bob Phillips
Executive Director

Bob leads the Common Cause NC team and our work of strengthening democracy in North Carolina.

Sailor Jones
Associate Director

As Associate Director, Sailor helps lead the Common Cause NC team and guide our work of building an inclusive democracy in North Carolina.

Jazmyne Abney
Triangle Community & Campus Organizer

Jazmyne leads our work with HBCU students in the Triangle area, including NC Central University, Saint Augustine's University, and Shaw University.

Xzaviar Boston
Digital Campaigns Manager

Xzaviar helps build innovative digital campaigns that mobilize voters and engage North Carolinians in our democracy.

Shi’Anne Caldwell
Outreach and Engagement Organizer – Charlotte

Shi’Anne helps engage and empower community members in the Charlotte region, including students at Johnson C. Smith University.

Rotrina Campbell
Organizing Manager

Rotrina leads our organizing efforts with Common Cause NC volunteers and community members.

Tyler Daye
Policy and Civic Engagement Manager

Tyler helps educate, engage and empower communities across North Carolina to make their voices heard in our democracy.

Vashti Hinton
HBCU Program Manager

Vashti leads our outreach program to students at all 10 Historically Black Colleges and Universities across North Carolina.

Destiny Jordan
Northeastern NC Community Organizer

Destiny helps engage and empower community members in Northeastern North Carolina.

Gino Nuzzolillo
Campaigns Manager

Gino manages our statewide issue-based and voter engagement campaigns in North Carolina.

Jane Pinsky
Legislative Affairs and Engagement Manager

Jane represents Common Cause NC at the state legislature as we advocate for pro-democracy policies.

Lisette Rodriguez
Community and Engagement Organizer - Fayetteville

Lisette helps engage and empower community members in Fayetteville and the surrounding Sandhills region.

Ann Webb
Policy Director

Ann's work includes leading policy advocacy efforts across the state and in the legislature to protect and expand our democracy.

Aniya Whitfield
Digital Communications Associate

Aniya helps tell the story of Common Cause North Carolina and our people through digital communications.

Bryan Warner
Director of Communications

Bryan helps lead our work of engaging people across North Carolina in our democracy through communications and media outreach.

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