Common Cause North Carolina urges lawmakers to vote no on the bill

RALEIGH – A proposal under consideration in the North Carolina General Assembly today could open the door to politicians in the legislature manipulating election districts for the State Board of Education.

Under current law, most members of the State Board of Education are appointed by the governor. House Bill 17 would change North Carolina’s Constitution to instead have most members of the State Board of Education elected from districts drawn by the legislature – the same legislature that has continually engaged in illegal gerrymandering of the state’s congressional and legislative districts.

House Bill 17 is on Tuesday’s agenda for the NC House Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations at 11:30 a.m. (Live video will be available هنا.)

وفيما يلي بيان من بوب فيليبس، المدير التنفيذي لمنظمة Common Cause في ولاية كارولينا الشمالية:

“House Bill 17 could open the door for partisan legislators to rig State Board of Education districts – just as they have illegally manipulated our state’s congressional and legislative districts time after time. The legislature must first give up its addiction to gerrymandering and adopt a truly fair redistricting process. Until then, it makes no sense to give these politicians even more opportunities to force their distorted voting maps on the people of North Carolina. We urge lawmakers to vote no on House Bill 17.”

Common Cause North Carolina هي منظمة شعبية غير حزبية مكرسة لدعم القيم الأساسية للديمقراطية الأمريكية. نحن نعمل على إنشاء حكومة منفتحة وصادقة وخاضعة للمساءلة تخدم المصلحة العامة؛ وتعزيز المساواة في الحقوق والفرص والتمثيل للجميع؛ وتمكين جميع الناس من إسماع أصواتهم في العملية السياسية.





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