بيان صحفي

مع تأخر بيانات التعداد السكاني، يجب على الهيئة التشريعية في ولاية كارولينا الشمالية تأجيل الانتخابات التمهيدية لعام 2022 للسماح بعملية إعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية بشكل مسؤول

RALEIGH – The following is a statement from بوب فيليبس، المدير التنفيذي لمؤسسة Common Cause NC:

“The U.S. Census Bureau recently announced that 2020 census data needed for this year’s redistricting process will not be available until Sept. 30, affecting the ability of states like North Carolina to begin drawing new voting maps.

In light of this significant delay, the NC General Assembly should shift the state’s 2022 primary election schedule in order to allow sufficient time for a responsible redistricting process that is fully transparent and provides ample opportunity for robust public input. The new congressional and legislative districts drawn this year are intended to be in place for the next decade and will have a dramatic impact on whether voters have a real voice in our elections. The people of North Carolina should not be shortchanged by a rushed redistricting process that undercuts the right of voters to choose their representatives.

Ultimately, this year’s redistricting process must be nonpartisan and transparent, with meaningful public participation – and be completely free from racial or partisan gerrymandering. Shifting the 2022 primary election schedule is a sensible way to allow for a redistricting process that puts the people of North Carolina above partisan politics.”

Common Cause NC هي منظمة شعبية غير حزبية مكرسة لدعم القيم الأساسية للديمقراطية الأمريكية.



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