
SCSJ und Common Cause legen Berufung gegen „enttäuschendes“ Urteil zur Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke in North Carolina ein

Raleigh, N.C. (Jan. 11, 2021) — A three-judge panel upheld North Carolina lawmakers’ partisan gerrymanders Tuesday despite calling them “a result of intentional, pro-Republican partisan redistricting,” in a case consisting of three consolidated challenges to the states’ 2021 enacted voting maps: North Carolina League of Conservation Voters et al. v. Hall, Harper et al. v. Hall Und Common Cause v. Hall.

Read the three-judge panel’s 260 page opinion here. 

The Southern Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ), which represented plaintiff Common Cause alongside pro bono counsel from law firm Hogan Lovells, immediately responded to the ruling, calling it “disappointing” — but vowed to appeal to the state Supreme Court.

“While this ruling is disappointing, all signs ultimately point to the N.C. Supreme Court resolving this case,” said Senior Counsel for Voting Rights, Hilary Harris Klein. “We remain confident that our conclusive evidence of partisan bias, obfuscation, and attacks on Black representation, from expert testimony to the mapmakers’ own admissions, will convince the state’s highest court to protect voters from nefarious efforts to entrench partisan power at the expense of free elections and fair representation.”

Bob Phillips, Executive Director of state affiliate Common Cause North Carolina called lawmakers’ maps extreme gerrymanders, and said if allowed to stand they would “undermine free and fair elections in North Carolina.”

“Our trial presented overwhelming evidence that the legislature engaged in extreme gerrymandering that would undermine free and fair elections in North Carolina. The evidence clearly showed that Republican legislative leaders brazenly ignored legal requirements designed to protect voting rights for Black North Carolinians. If allowed to stand, these extreme gerrymanders would cause profound and lasting harm to the people of our state, especially hurting Black communities, by depriving voters of a voice in choosing their representatives,” said Phillips. “We look forward to taking our case to the state Supreme Court. We are confident that the people of North Carolina will ultimately prevail in our fight for fair maps.”

In December 2021, the N.C. Supreme Court delayed the state’s primary elections from March 8, 2022 to May 17, 2022. The state Supreme Court will likely decide the expedited case before the candidate filing period for the delayed primary begins in February 2022.

Bryan Warner,, 919-836-0027; Common Cause NC
Sailor Jones,, 919-260-5906; SCSJ
Gino Nuzzolillo,, 402-415-4763; SCSJ
Melissa Boughton,, 830-481-6901, SCSJ
Ritchenya A. Dodd,, 212-918-6155; Hogan Lovells

Common Cause ist eine überparteiliche Basisorganisation, die sich für die Grundwerte der amerikanischen Demokratie einsetzt. Wir arbeiten daran, eine offene, ehrliche und rechenschaftspflichtige Regierung zu schaffen, die dem öffentlichen Interesse dient, gleiche Rechte, Chancen und Vertretung für alle fördert und allen Menschen die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre Stimme im politischen Prozess zu Gehör zu bringen.

Die Southern Coalition for Social Justice wurde 2007 gegründet und arbeitet mit farbigen und wirtschaftlich benachteiligten Gemeinschaften im Süden zusammen, um deren politische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Rechte durch eine Kombination aus Rechtsbeistand, Forschung, Organisation und Kommunikation zu verteidigen und zu stärken.

Global law firm Hogan Lovells has a long tradition of supporting ground-breaking social developments, focusing on access to justice and the rule of law. As lawyers we recognize this commitment is part of our professional practice and collectively we spend 150,000+ pro bono hours per year on work to achieve lasting impact for others.



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