
Oberster Gerichtshof der USA bestätigt Schutz vor rassistischen Angriffen auf das Wahlrecht

RALEIGH – The U.S. Supreme Court today issued a historic ruling in the voting rights case of Allen v. Milligan from Alabama, upholding prohibitions against racial discrimination in drawing voting districts. And it affirms crucial protections in the federal Voting Rights Act.

The ruling has profound importance for North Carolina, where the legislature is preparing to draw new voting maps this year that pro-democracy advocates fear could once again be discriminatory gerrymanders. And state lawmakers are considering bills imposing restrictions on voting access that would disproportionately harm people of color.

Nachfolgend eine Stellungnahme von Bob Phillips, Geschäftsführer von Common Cause North Carolina:

“Today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court is a victory for American democracy and voters everywhere. This decision should serve as a clear warning to North Carolina politicians that racist gerrymandering and attacks on voting rights will not stand.

Current anti-voter proposals in the North Carolina legislature – including Gesetzentwurf 747 des Senats von North Carolina – would disproportionately harm people of color. And legislators are preparing for yet another round of redistricting that so often has targeted Black and brown voters through extreme gerrymandering.

North Carolina politicians should take note of today’s ruling and reject attempts to undermine voting rights. We must protect everyone’s freedom to vote.”

Common Cause North Carolina ist eine überparteiliche Grassroots-Organisation, die sich für die Grundwerte der amerikanischen Demokratie einsetzt. Wir arbeiten daran, eine offene, ehrliche und rechenschaftspflichtige Regierung zu schaffen, die dem öffentlichen Interesse dient, gleiche Rechte, Chancen und Vertretung für alle fördert und allen Menschen die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre Stimme im politischen Prozess zu Gehör zu bringen.



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