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Bennett students on why voting matters to them

With election 2018 underway, students at Bennett College in Greensboro have a message for North Carolinians: go vote!

Voting & Elections 10.17.2018

Visit the 2018 NC Voter Guide for facts on voting in North Carolina

With election season underway, North Carolinians can get info on voting and meet candidates on their ballot at NCVoterGuide.org

Voting & Elections 10.15.2018

Common Cause NC kicks off voter outreach campaign

Common Cause NC and HBCU students canvassed communities in Raleigh, Fayetteville and Winston-Salem, educating residents about this year's election.

All eyes now turn to North Carolina gerrymandering case

After the U.S. Supreme Court punted on issuing decisive rulings on redistricting cases out of Wisconsin and Maryland, a case from North Carolina could be the key to the high court striking down partisan gerrymandering.

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