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See the latest news from Common Cause North Carolina

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The Year of Reckoning for Gerrymandering

With a landmark court victory and a bipartisan bill in the legislature, 2018 is shaping up to be a decisive time in the fight for fair voting maps

Poll: Majority of NC voters want nonpartisan redistricting

A solid majority of North Carolina voters want a nonpartisan system for drawing the state’s election districts, according to a new survey from Public Policy Polling.

Historic court ruling could usher in the end of gerrymandering

The decision in Common Cause v. Rucho is a game-changer in the fight for fair voting maps in North Carolina and across the nation

VICTORY: Court rules against NC partisan gerrymandering

The landmark decision in Common Cause v. Rucho is the first of its kind in North Carolina, and a historic win in the fight for fair voting maps

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