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2022 en retrospectiva: un año de victorias contra la manipulación de los distritos electorales en Carolina del Norte



As 2022 nears an end, thank you for helping us make real progress in our effort to build a democracy for all.

The year began with our landmark victory against gerrymandering in state court and concluded with our defense of democracy in Moore contra Harper at the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the months between, we empowered a new generation of democracy leaders at Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the state. We worked to ensure all voters were able to make their voices heard at the ballot box. And we continued the work of holding government accountable to we the people.

There’s still much more we must do in the year ahead.

Our strength comes from Common Cause members across North Carolina as we work to ensure everyone has a seat at the table and an equal voice in our democracy.

I look forward to what we’ll accomplish together in 2023 as we celebrate our 50th anniversary of Common Cause in North Carolina.

Happy holidays,

Bob Phillips, Executive Director
y el equipo de Common Cause North Carolina

PD As 2022 draws to a close, can you compartir los gastos to help us get ready for 2023? Your tax-deductible gift today will be matched!



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