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331 resultados

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Voting rights case in North Carolina Supreme Court: The issues, arguments and potential outcomes

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Voting rights case in North Carolina Supreme Court: The issues, arguments and potential outcomes

“A year ago, the state Supreme Court made the right call,” Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause NC, said. “What this Supreme Court does is unknown, but if gerrymandering is legalized, history will judge those who make that decision and those pushing for it will pay a political price with we the people of North Carolina.”

North Carolina Supreme Court rehears redistricting case on gerrymandering

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North Carolina Supreme Court rehears redistricting case on gerrymandering

Bob Phillips, Executive Director of Common Cause North Carolina and a plaintiff in this case said he believes the court got it right in its initial decision last year. "What new evidence or finding of the facts is there to warrant today's re-do of this decision? The answer is right, none. What is happening today in the building behind us is completely unnecessary and frankly outrageous," he said.

North Carolina Justices Quickly Revisit Redistricting, Voter ID

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North Carolina Justices Quickly Revisit Redistricting, Voter ID

“It’s not an overstatement to say that the very health of democracy in North Carolina is at stake when you are talking about voting rights and fair maps,” Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause North Carolina, said in an interview.

NC House leaders propose changes to US Constitution

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NC House leaders propose changes to US Constitution

"It's frightening and it's not, in our mind, necessary," said Bob Phillips. "This is not good for democracy. It's not good for the people of the country."

N.C. Republicans introduce bill to restrict mail-in voting return dates

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N.C. Republicans introduce bill to restrict mail-in voting return dates

“I would argue that this act does the opposite of what it's intended to do by making it more confusing for voters and restricting voter's access,” said Tyler Daye, the civic engagement manager at Common Cause North Carolina.



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