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10th HBCU Think Tank Fundraiser

Please join us on Tuesday, June 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Hayti Heritage Center in Durham for great food, drinks, and music!

We’ll delve into the rich history, legacy, and contributions of our Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Through engaging discussions, informative presentations, and personal testimonies, we can explore the unique challenges and opportunities facing HBCUs today and inspire tangible action and investment in their future.

Each ticket is just $25 and covers 2 drinks and food. All proceeds will go towards supporting our HBCU campus organizing programs this fall.

Get your tickets now


#UniteNC: ‘Ready to Vote’ Community Education Tour

Our #UniteNC “Ready to Vote” Community Education Tour is traveling across North Carolina as we provide voters like you with the latest nonpartisan information you’ll need to navigate new voting, elections, and redistricting changes, including:

  • Photo voter ID requirements
  • Changes to same-day registration and absentee voting laws
  • Modifications to voting maps, including legislative and congressional districts
  • Opportunities to help elections officials better serve your community

Plus, those in attendance will receive useful guides and resources to help your community navigate these changes as well.

Our #UniteNC “Ready to Vote” Community Education Tour is powered by Common Cause NC, state and local partners, along with county election officials. Please join us at a training near you!

See upcoming stops on the #UniteNC: ‘Ready to Vote’ Tour

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Questions? Call us at 919-836-0027 or email bwarner@commoncause.org.

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