Communiqué de presse

Les habitants de Caroline du Nord demandent des comptes sur les politiques d'éducation, de démocratie et de santé lors des réunions publiques de #UniteNC

Hundreds Show Up For Next Three Stops in Common Cause NC’s Tour

HIGH POINT, N.C. (8/8/23) — Last Monday night, more than 120 High Point residents gathered at Turners Chapel AME Church to address their state lawmakers at a #UniteNC Town Hall, followed by 90-plus attendees Wednesday night in Fayetteville, and 65 more in rural Rockingham County.

Concerns over public school funding, gun safety, and reproductive healthcare, along with the ability to vote and have a genuine say in their democracy, dominated North Carolinians’ concerns. Rep. Cecil Brockman (HD-60) et Sen. Michael Garrett (SD-27) responded to the crowd in High Point, as did Rep. Charles Smith (HD-44), Rep. Frances Jackson (HD-45), et Sen. Val Applewhite (SD-19) in Fayetteville. Rep. Marvin Lucas (HD-42) et Rep. Amos Quick, III (HD-58) could not attend due to conflicts. Additional lawmakers from the Cumberland County and Rockingham County delegations did not respond to several invitations.

The High Point, Fayetteville, and Rockingham County #UniteNC Town Halls are among the 20-plus lawmaker accountability events being hosted this summer in competitive voting districts by nonpartisan voting rights group Common Cause NC and the organization’s partenaires étatiques et locauxLa pièce maîtresse de chaque mairie donne aux résidents la possibilité de poser des questions à leurs élus et de répondre à des questions telles que « à quoi voulez-vous que ressemble l’avenir de la Caroline du Nord ? »

To date, more than 500 North Carolinians have attended the first five town halls.

The #UniteNC Town Hall Tour continues tonight, August 8th, in Gibsonville at 6:30 p.m. Monday night’s planned town hall in Kannapolis has been rescheduled to Monday, September 18th due to severe weather.

Next week, town halls will take place in Wilmington and Salisbury. Additional stops were announced for Rocky Mount, Hendersonville, Greenville, Scotland Neck, Sylva, Hillsborough, and more. Members of the public and media can RSVP to a town hall in their area by visiting

Members of the media can find a link to the video for High Point ici, Fayetteville ici, and Rockingham County ici.

Links to photos from the events: Point culminant | Fayetteville | Rockingham County

Below are quotes from event organizers and town hall attendees:

« Certains législateurs d’État sont déterminés à démanteler notre démocratie, en imposant de nouvelles restrictions sur les options de vote populaire et en manipulant leurs circonscriptions à des fins partisanes, entre autres propositions problématiques », a déclaré Gino Nuzzolillo, responsable des campagnes chez Common Cause North Carolina. “Every issue before the legislature deserves robust public input, thoughtful debate and full transparency. Lawmakers are conducting ‘the People’s business’ in the People’s House. These #UniteNC Town Halls are meant to remind lawmakers who they work for — and remind the public that we’re putting people over politics ahead of the important elections to come.”

High Point resident Mitzi Turner said: “It is time to get our hands dirty. Go see how our people living. Hold our representatives accountable for what they’re doing and not doing. Our power is at the polls. How our streets look is at the polls. Do you hear me?”

Fayetteville resident Krystal Maddox said: “If you’re going to force people to have children, take care of them. With bills like [SB49], we’ll be making this problem worse for our children.”

Reidsville resident Ann Brady commented: “In conclusion, the result of these vouchers [through HB823], coupled with the bleak outlook for public teacher salary increases in the budget results in legal and subsidized school segregation. Do we value public education as an institution that serves all children in our state, or do we further promote private options for a select few?”

Common Cause NC est une organisation populaire non partisane qui se consacre à la défense des valeurs fondamentales de la démocratie américaine. Nous travaillons à créer un gouvernement ouvert, honnête et responsable qui sert l'intérêt public ; à promouvoir l'égalité des droits, des opportunités et de la représentation pour tous ; et à permettre à tous de faire entendre leur voix dans le processus politique.



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