Communiqué de presse

Common Cause NC statement on attempt by out-of-state political operatives to interfere in NC election

RALEIGH – The following is a statement from Bob Phillips, directeur exécutif de Common Cause NC:

“As detailed today by the Raleigh News & Observer et NC Policy Watch, a small number of out-of-state operatives with ties to well-connected political consultants in Georgia recently attempted to interfere in North Carolina’s elections. These bad actors posed as donors and volunteers as they engaged in a fraudulent, and unsuccessful, attempt to infiltrate good-government groups that included Common Cause NC.

We and our allies uncovered the operatives’ scheme and we immediately alerted legal authorities. Common Cause NC will continue to combat any attempts by those seeking to weaken our democracy.

We will not allow shadow groups to use deception and dirty tricks to attack North Carolina voters. We stand united with all people who are dedicated to defending voting rights. And we will continue our crucial work of ensuring every eligible voter is able to freely and fully participate in this year’s elections.”

Common Cause NC est une organisation populaire non partisane qui se consacre à la défense des valeurs fondamentales de la démocratie américaine.




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