Communiqué de presse

North Carolina’s congressional delegation must support the removal of President Trump for inciting an insurrection

RALEIGH – The following statement is from Bob Phillips, directeur exécutif de Common Cause NC, as today Congress introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump for incitement of insurrection:

“Last week, our nation watched in horror as a mob, incited by President Trump himself, launched a deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. It was nothing less than an assault on our very democracy. The attempt to violently overthrow the will of American voters – particularly Black and brown voters, who have been a consistent target of racist, inflammatory conspiracy theories and attacks – is a direct result of the president’s incitement.

We call on North Carolina’s entire congressional delegation to support the immediate impeachment and removal of President Trump for inciting this violent insurrection.

Even after the deadly attack on our democracy, some members of Congress recklessly continued to push the outright lie of a stolen election, the same lie fueling the mob that stormed the Capitol, and actually voted to overturn the will of voters. Disgracefully, seven members of the U.S. House from North Carolina were among those who voted to reject the lawful outcome of the election, for which they should be held accountable.

The idea of a thriving, inclusive democracy cannot be achieved while elected representatives sow distrust in our elections and spread dangerous falsehoods about the outcomes. There must be full accountability and a complete repudiation of these attacks.”

Common Cause NC est une organisation populaire non partisane qui se consacre à la défense des valeurs fondamentales de la démocratie américaine.



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