Xzaviar બોસ્ટન

ડિજિટલ ઝુંબેશ મેનેજર

સામાન્ય કારણ ઉત્તર કેરોલિના

Xzaviar brings a passion for technology and community advocacy to their role as Digital Campaigns Organizer at Common Cause NC. Their diverse background includes serving as Director of IT & Logistics for the Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce and founding Del Monsoon IQT, a queer and minority-led mutual benefit collective focused on bridging the digital divide thus fostering a more inclusive world.
Xzaviar’s dedication to social justice extends to volunteer work with food banks, political campaigns, and LGBTQ+ advocacy projects.  When not building powerful campaigns, they enjoy photography, aquascaping, and spending time with their partner in their Charlotte, NC home. Xzaviar proudly holds a degree from Francis Marion University and was an inaugural Brighter Future Fellow. Their personal motto is simply to: Be Inspired. Be Social. Be Amplified.

બંધ કરો

બંધ કરો

હેલો! એવું લાગે છે કે તમે અમારી સાથે {state} થી જોડાઈ રહ્યાં છો.

તમારા રાજ્યમાં શું થઈ રહ્યું છે તે જોવા માંગો છો?

સામાન્ય કારણ {state} પર જાઓ